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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Krishna arrow Diwali puja - 1993
Diwali puja — 1993 |  Print    version  |

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Moscow, Russia
12 November 1993 

It is so very gratifying to see so many people from all over the world have come to Russia to worship the Goddess Laxmi. When you cannot explain everything intellectually than you take course to arts to express yourself; and then you take to symbols to express what you cannot say verbally or cannot express rationally. This is what an artist does, also a poet does that he extends his imagination to such an extent that he creates a symbol. But this mind is limited and it can only get up to a point and it is not substantiated by truth and reality after some time it falls. The whole linear movement falls and there is a decline. That is what we find in every area today specially that everything which was sublime has declined.

 This decline takes place and people start accepting it. But after self realization when you have become the spirit, your imagination touches the reality. Then the symbols which were perverted which was misrepresented drop out. And you touch the reality of the symbols.

This is exactly what has happened everywhere. For example we had in India the Goddess of wealth as Laxmi and this symbol of Laxmi was described by saints and seers in reality. But later on people did not understand the symbol and the reality behind it. And they thought that the symbol of Laxmi is money, is wealth, gold, silver, diamonds, riches. And they started worshipping money. That is how the symbol of wealth, Goddess the Laxmi was perverted. People dont understand that when they have money why they start doing wrong things. Even in India nowadays people are so perverted that if you give 100 rupees to a poor man, he will go to a pub. He will only think of self-indulgence, not of others, not his family, not his children, not his country, but himself. But the symbol of Laxmi is very different.

 Firstly the one who has Laxmi has to be mother like a mother, must have the love of a mother who loves her children. She has to be a woman and woman stands for something very sublime. Mother is the source of all the energies but she has patience, and she has love, compassion. So a man who has money cannot be happy unless and until he is compassionate. He uses this money for giving to others. But what has happened today in the countries who are supposed to be affluent.

 They have gone all out to destroy themselves with the money that they have. Also they have used money to express their anger, their lust, their greed. Also they have wasted their money in trying to show off that they are something very individualistic. Like in America when I went there I met a very rich man. And when I got to his car, and he told me that my handles of the door open the other way around. So I said, why. What is the use of this kind of a thing. Anybody can get locked up in your car. So he said it is my individuality, is my genius, you see, which has created this something not so common.

 And then I went into his house and he told you be careful this bathroom is very special and then he said if you press this button you will just jump into the swimming pool. I said I dont want to go into this bathroom. And then he took me to his bed and he said me this bed is special if you press this button your legs will go up, if you press this button your head will go up. I said I don’t want to do this acrobats the whole night, I sleep on the ground. So now the Eastern block people sometime think that Americans or the Europeans or the people who are so called affluent are very happy people. They are not because they have no wisdom. They go on wasting money like this, they are bankrupt, good for nothing. One day theyll be moving in a Rolls-Royce, tomorrow they will be on the street begging. Because there is no Laxmi in them, only money. So the symbol of Laxmi you should try to understand is very important. Because if the Laxmi resides in your Nabhi and if she is satisfied then only the Mahalaxmi principle rises meaning you are seeing beyond. Now these people has so much money that they didnt know what to do and they thought now this not sufficient we have to seek for.

Then they took to drugs and all kinds of things.

 If you find anybody in England or America, anyplace with torn cloth know that he is a rich man. This is the condition of perversion where everything is perverted.

 Now the Laxmi principle is like that as I said she is a mother, she is a mother and in two hands she has got pink lotuses. Now the pink lotus means a flower which is come out of the pond and allows even a thorny insect come inside it. That means a rich man or a man with Laxmi must have a house or a whole household or a estate which is very beautiful like the lotus, pink in color means in white, welcoming everyone, all kinds of guests. Now this insect with all the thorns in it comes in and sleeps on the corona of that lotus very beautifully and in the night the lotus covers it, so it doesnt feel the cold. So the man with the money or man with the wealth is not a Laxmi pati, he is not the one who has the blessings of the Laxmi. But the man with wisdom and who has money we can call has got the blessings of the Laxmi. So he like the lotus he is so hospitable, so anxious to get guests in his own being and to look after it. In the same way a person who has money who is supposed to be blessed by Laxmi should be the same hospitable, of the same hospital personality. But the surprising thing is all the nations today who look to be affluent have been parasites, diluted all the countries. They formed empires. Like in India now as you know we had for 300 years the English, the British 300 years as our guests. Without any visa, without any immigration they came. But now if an Indian has to go to England is impossible situation. And those who go there also are treated not on the same level as they treat their own people.

 Same with America. Thank God Columbus was coming to India and I think Shri Hanumana took him down to America, thank God. Otherwise all the Indians could have been finished and would not have been here. They killed all the Indians there, all the Indians and took away all their lands, all their lands. And now they are supposed to be rich. And the sins they have committed have to come back on them, isnt it. And you cant go to America easily as if this is their own land. All of them do not belong to that land. Then we can see about the people who think they are higher races because they can make more money. I mean they have killed people in gas chambers did all kinds of things how can they be a higher race. Is that the sign of being higher? For us if Christ is the symbol of higher personality then what were his qualities. He was the noblest man you could think of, the greatest personality as far as moralities are concerned and such forgiveness, such magnimit, such glory. He would was the one who was blessed with Laxmi. He was a satisfied soul. He would not do anything wrong, no whatever matter money you might give him. Nobody could purchase him. So after coming to Sahaja Yoga is important to know that you are blessed by Laxmi. With one hand she gives, she gives to others that is her nature to give. Like if one door is open the air wont come in but if you open the other door then only it will circulate. So to be satisfied is one of the qualities of a Sahaja Yogi. Some of them do ask for money miracles. Thats not the way your attitude should be. You are now the spirits. And spirit doesnt care for the comfort of body, mind, but for the comfort of the spirit. Many of you have become spirits, no doubt. But you are not aware some of you of your status. You have to be aware about it. With the other hand she give protection. Protection to all those you worship her. All those who work for her. So anybody who has money has to give protection to people who are employed by him or working for him. We have now transcended in into an area where you have no fundalism in your head. But you worship all the all the great incarnations, all the great seers and all the prophets.

 Most of them did not have any money, but they were blessed by Laxmi because they were satisfied soul. So this is the quality of a Laxmi that she should satisfy. You know that in economics desires

 are not satiable in general. So what is the desire which is satiable. When you are absolutely satisfied and you know that there is no sense in hankering after money power and all nonsensical things, then the Mahalaxmi principle is awakened within you. And this Mahalaxmi principle gives you seeking. Then you become a special category of people whom William Blake has described a man of God. Then you dont have these conditionings, but you rise higher and you become the spirit. That is the time when you understand the Laxmi principle within you. The Laxmi principle is that you enjoy doing for others. If you are still worried about yourself only, about your own comfort, about your own earnings, about your own glory, then you go into imbalance. Laxmi is standing on a lotus, completely balanced. Moreover she doesnt assert, just standing on a lotus she doesnt assert her power, that she is money or that she is the Goddess of money. She is absolutely contended with herself. If you are not contended that means you dont know yourself. You are yet a half baked Sahaja Yogi. A Sahaja Yogi is a person who is absolutely contended within himself, because his self, his spirit is the source of all the absolute knowledge. Is the source of enlightenment for your attention. And is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness, which depends on ego, but is absolute. So such fun after realization you feel that you dont care for money you dont care for anything. If you have it, well and good, if you dont have it, well and good. You are completely detached. Lastly I tell you a story about Rajajeneka who was the father of Shri Sita who was the wife of Shri Rama. He must have existed 6000 years back and he was a king. So he had to wear all the ornaments, and all the dresses that a king had to wear. But all the saints of those days used to touch his feet. So one disciple of one guru said why do you touch his feet after all he lives like a king, dresses up like a king. So he said you have no idea as to what he is. If he has mercy on you he might give you selfrealization. So this disciple Najiketa went to the king and said that Sire I have come to get my selfrealization. He said Im sorry I cant give you selfrealization, I am sorry. You can take all my property, everything, but I cannot give you selfrealization. Because yet you havent got that personality. So Najiketa was disappointed and he said alright, Sir, Ill wait till you are ready to test me and see, if I could get realization. So he said alright, lets go and have a bath in the rive. And they were having a bath, and the people from the palace came and told him, the King, that, Sir, your palace is on fire. Still he was meditating. Then again they came and said all the people are running away from there, all your relations, all your family. Still they were meditating, he was meditating, and this Najiketa was looking at him. Then they said all the fire is coming here and all your cloth will be burnt. Still he was meditating. But Najiketa ran out and picked up his cloth. Then he realized how detached this man is about his money, about his wealth, about his family. And look at me, Im worried about this small thing like this. He has to dress up like that because he is a king. So he surrendered himself to him and he got his realization. In those days it was very difficult to get selfrealization, even to give selfrealization. But these are special time, the blossom time. They call it the last judgment, you can call it the resurrection time, you can call it the Kiama, they call it in Koran. It is said that people will come out of their graves and will get their resurrection. I mean what is left to the graves is nothing but a few stones and a few bones. No. All these souls which are dead will take their birth, take human body and take their realization in these special times. This is a sensible thing to say and is also happening. So now you have got your realization because of your good deeds you did in your last previous lives, as we say punie purres. But you must respect it and you must understand what youve got is so great. You have to know you are the spirit now. You are special people. You are going to solve the problems of your country, of your community, of your society, of your families. Youll be solving the problem of the whole world. You are the one who are gong to bring peace on this earth. You are the one who are going to create a new world of beautiful divine people. So have faith in yourself. This faith works very fast. Because it is not a false faith, it is a fact and grow in Sahaja Yoga. Dont be a dwarf. I am happy to see the collectivity now in the Eastern block and also Russia, other countries which are here. So now you are asking for the blessings of the Laxmi. So the first thing you should ask is the satisfaction. Then the generosity. A person who has the blessings of Laxmi cannot be miserly, cannot be. He is, he is a person. Trying to save money here, trying to save money there, this doesnt exist in the mind of a person who is evolved. I am very happy I could come to Russia and that at this juncture will be able to create the atmosphere which is very good for your country.

And all other people who have come from other countries also will carry this atmosphere to their own countries. Now youll know that you have no karmas left. Its all finished.

And now you are beautiful new people. The blossoming time has brought you as fruits now. So dont pay attention to yourself, to you maladies, to your troubles. And things will improve, definitely. Somebody was telling me they got pain in the knee. I just felt I get so many times pain in the knee. I have pain here, because I absorb from you. But I never think about it. Never bother. Because I see my body, alright. Like this machine it if is spoiled, we should cure it, finished. But all the time if your are thinking this is paining here, this wrong and Ive got no money, I ve got to do this business, that business, finished. So now we have to rise into the realm of superconciousness. I can go on speaking about everything so sublime, so beautiful. There are many lectures which I have given. But lectures have nothing but words. These are the web of words. So you must get out of it. You have to go beyond the mind. Thats what is my own vision. And so many of have fulfilled it. I am always yours whenever you want. Whenever you want me to come I will come. That my live is more than my own will. But you also must love yourself and love your selfrealization.

May God bless you!

There is one thing we have to know that in the Nabhi resides the Laxmi; and you have reached the state who where she is reality within. She is not a symbol anymore. So today after the puja this Laxmi principle must be awakened within you and should spread all its light in the Nabhi centre.

May God bless you!

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