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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Other pujas arrow The Knowledge of the Roots - 1984
The Knowledge of the Roots — 1984 |  Print    version  |

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cardiff, UK
8 August 1984 

I bow to all the seekers of truth. It gives me immense pleasure to come to Cardiff again for this programme of Sahaja Yoga. They must have explained to you what is Sahaja Yoga. That is, ‘Saha’ is ‘with’ and ‘Ja’ is ‘born’–it is born with you and all of us have a birth right to get this spontaneous yoga, that is the union with the Divine. Ascent to the Divine is our birth right. Only thing we must reach that state of awareness where we become aware of higher seeking within us. First as a human being we seek food, then protection, house, possessions, money, power-and then we find that all these things even if you have achieved you have not been able to achieve what you wanted-that is the state of joy, and thus you start seeking furthermore to find out what should be that state in which you remain in complete joy.

Many people have no idea as to what to expect and also they are quite naive about the structure or the nature of this tree of life which is built within us. Now what I’m going to tell you is the Knowledge of the Roots. So far with our developments we only know the Knowledge of the Tree, but we have to know the Knowledge of the Roots which sustains this tree. If we do not know that Knowledge, it may be one day this great tree that we see which seems to be quite secure, may completely be destroyed. So it is important for everyone to have that Knowledge of the Roots within ourselves and within our society, within human beings as a whole.

Now we have to realise that we have come to this state of human awareness up to a point where we find we are lost. These days in the modern times, we are very much confused because there are so many ideas afloat. All these ideas confuse us and we don’t know where to look, what to see, the value systems have changed rapidly so drastically that it is difficult for us to keep up and cope with it. Despite all that, it seems that there must be some hope for us: after all God, God who has created this Universe must be worried about this creation. After all, He has to do something about it. It’s no use only our worrying about it, or being aware of the shocks, the future shocks that we may receive because of the mistakes we have committed before. It is He who has made us and it is He who works out everything for us. For example, we believe that we do this and we do that. What we do is the work of the dead to the dead. We do not do any living work. We cannot transform one flower into a fruit. But you see in different seasons we find different types of flowers, different types of fruits coming in, we find every child that is born has something to do with the society, with the parents, with the country where it is born, it is such a big selection that it is impossible to find out who could have done it with such tremendous powers of accuracy. A child is conceived in a Mother’s womb, is a very big miracle itself to all the medical science because normally everything that is foreign is thrown out of the body–but when the foetus is formed in the body, it is not thrown out, on the contrary it is preserved, looked after, nourished and thrown out at the time when it is fully matured. This is such a remarkable thing that we see everyday, but somehow or other we take everything for granted.

Human beings if they look at themselves, they’ll be amazed how beautifully we are made. This is something special about us. We know so many things more than the animals do. An animal can pass through a dirty lane, he cannot understand any architecture, he cannot understand any colours, any beauty, but we human beings have so many ideas and also abstract ideas. But beyond this is a state where you reach into an absolute state-so far still we live in a relative world. Whatever we know is so relative that it is difficult to decide really what is right and what is wrong. Relatively we can say alright, this is little right and this is little wrong. But we cannot absolutely say that this is right and this is wrong. Here then we start thinking-ate we really fully evolved? We are not. We are not evolved. And when I say this you should take it as an hypothesis with a very open mind of a scientist. And then if it is proved you have to accept it as a law, not before that.

It is very hard to believe that we can become the Spirit. This is one of the big myths of modern times and many a times when I speak about becoming the Spirit people say that -how can you say like that, how can it be that easy-but it is a living process of our evolution and if it is done by the power. of a living God, then it has to be very simple, has to be very easy-like if you have to sprout a seed You just Put it in the Mother Earth, and the seed has a capacity to become the plant and the Mother Earth has a capacity to sprout it. In the same way, this happening has to take place. Today that time has come. That time has come, the time of judgement has come and at this time we have to see that we’ll be judging ourselves, but not by some sort of a weight or some sort of an authority, but by something which is within us which we call as the Kundalini:, is placed in the triangular bone called as sacrum. Just see, Greeks knew about it, that’s why they called this bone as sacrum. But what is this bone in the biblical understanding-it is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. We have to understand that if there is a Father God and a Son-there has to be a Mother. So this is the primordial Mother who is the Holy Ghost and She is reflected within us as the Kundalini. In our heart is reflected the God Almighty. It is He who is the witness of whatever we are doing. This power manifests everything within us and then resides in a sleeping state in that triangular bone and is said to be residual because it has not yet manifested itself. This is the power of our desire which is true and the only desire we have which is pure. Because all other desires are not true. If they were true, any one of them when satisfied, we would not have desired for anything else. But it is not so as you know in economics that wants in general are not satiable. So you want to have something today, then we want to have another thing tomorrow. But once the desire of becoming one with the Divine manifests then you don’t want anything-you want to give. Like you want to be the light and then you become the light that emits light and emancipates others -raises them to the level of their Spirit by giving them peace and bliss. Today we talk of peace. But how can we have peace with the people who are so disturbed. We have to have transformation of human beings, who should feel peaceful within themselves and should feel that they are the ones who are part and parcel of the whole. But this should not be a conception or a mental projection. Because mental projection can disappear in no time. Like you would believe that this particular person is my friend but you discover that he is not and the whole mental projection drops out.

So all mental projections are artificial, they last for a short time and disappear. But this is a happening that has to take place within us when we become the Spirit. It is the question of you feeling that Spirit on your central nervous system. So in our evolutionary process whatever happened to us has happened to our central nervous system, and that is what Christ has exactly said when he said you are to be born again. He didn’t say that you just ask somebody to do an exercise of putting some water on top of your head and then say now you are baptised. No. There is a true baptism of the real awakening of this Kundalini passing through these six centres above, piercing through your fontanel bone area and giving you the true experience of the breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your own head and this cannot be by just putting water by somebody. It has to happen within yourself and you have to seek the truth, and not something that just satisfies you for the time being.

That’s why even if you profess any religion we find we don’t have much transformation within. But here you become the Spirit, the fight of the Spirit we can say, on our central nervous system just guides you. Like first of all when this Kundalini rises She passes through these centres on the physical level and you get physical health. Some people say, Mother, you heal us or cure us-is not true. It is your own Kundalini. It’s your own Mother within you.

Everybody has an individual Mother, when She rises, She actually fulfils the need of every subtle centre that supplies to your gross centres, because these are the abstract or we can say are the subtle centres which are first fulfilled and they look after your plexuses, that’s how you get heated automatically. It is you who heal yourself, not me. I’m just a catalyst you can say, like one enlightened light can enlighten another one, and once you are enlightened, you can enlighten another person. That is how it is. So there is no obligation. There is no give and take. It’s like we are part and parcel of the whole. Now we have, say, a problem on a finger. What do we do? We just rub that finger and find that we feel better. But have we any way obliged this finger? Because it is part and parcel of you it just spontaneously has happened and has worked out. In the same way it happens to you also that you get this Realisation automatically.

Now the mass evolution has started and there are many who have got Realisation like that. I’m happy to know in England also we have at least two to three thousand people who are realised very well, who are established, but there may be much more who have got Realisation, but then you have to establish yourself like a tree. Once you establish like a tree you can give Realisation to others and you can give them peace and the whole thing is such a transformed personality-because the second thing that happens to you when you become the Spirit that you become so powerful that nothing dominates you. Nothing dominates you. There is no habit that can dominate you. No temptation can dominate you and you become very powerful, But at the same time you are extremely compassionate, you are extremely kind, so it is a very compassionate power that you develop of the Spirit and you become a new personality, a wonderful personality. We know when we have Christmas, when we have Easter, we give eggs to people. This denotes the Resurrection of Christ as our own Resurrection, that an egg has to become the bird. It is symbolic of that. That we are like eggs when we are closed, when we have this ‘I ness within us, and then suddenly when this happens to us, this egg becomes the bird and you become completely free and you know what freedom is. Freedom is no licence but freedom which, is absolutely not curbing anybody’s freedom nor is giving you any bondages. It is something so great it should happen to all of us.

We have had many great saints in this country, I would like to mention William Blake who was a great saint and who saw all this happening Ion ‘time back, two hundred years back-and He wrote about it that such and such time will come when men of God will become prophets and these prophets will have powers to make others prophets. He has said so many things that time has come today for England to rise as He has desired and described. That time is here today now at this time you should get your Realisation-you’ll realise that now you have entered into that Kingdom of God. We have also many people, we can say even Mohammed Sahib has said that ‛At the time of Resurrection your hands will speak.“ Exactly this happens, that when you get your Realisation, when the Kundalini comes up, and She touches the seat of God here immediately in your heart the reflection of God starts emitting cool vibrations from your hands also. When it starts happening you are amazed that all around you feel the subtle power. of God, the power of His love, what we call the all-pervading Brahma, what we call the Chaitanya, that’s how you start feeling it and once you start feeling it you are amazed that how you can find about anything. You become like a computer. As soon as you want to find out whether it is right or wrong, say you want to ask a question,“ Is there God?“-Immediately you’ll find there will be cool breeze coming out. But if You want to find about Hitler, you might get a blister or a heat on your hands and you’ll feel horrible about it. So that is how you start working it out and gradually you become absolutely wise in the sense you become absolute and you understand.

Just now if you look at a person how will you find out who is right and who is wrong? But when this happens to you, you don’t have to know about him. On his centres you know because you become collectively conscious. You become, again I say, it is a becoming, You become collectively conscious, you can know about your own centres and you can know about the centres of others. And when you feel the centres of others, you know what the problem is, you don’t talk like other people talk, but you talk in the language of centres. This is exactly what happened to the disciples of Christ when they were blessed by the Holy Ghost, the cool breeze came on them, they started speaking in strange languages. And the same thing you’ll find with Sahaja Yogis that they speak in a strange language in the sense that they talk in the language of the centres, and they start using their hands in a way because the hand has got the power flowing, and they use it to bind it up and that looks very strange and at that time also it looked very strange so people started saying that they are mad people, they are doing some sort of funny actions.

So all this happens, it’s very simple, has to happen, the time has come, it is the blossom time; at that time I would say, in the early days, it was not the blossom time but it was the time when there were hardly one or two flowers on the tree of life, but today is different-there are so many seekers all over the world though misled by all kinds of things, because as soon as they come to know, the negatives, that God has decided to work it out, they have come in the market and they are selling their goods. One must know that you cannot sell God in the market. Secondly you cannot organise God. But we are so much used to it, paying for everything that we can’t understand that we can get something without paying.

But think of a seed which we sow in the Mother Earth. What do we do? Do we pay anything? Does it understand money? Do living processes understand money? Do you think God understands money? You can’t pay for it. If you put this one small little test,-99 per cent of these bogus people will disappear from the scene. But we don’t think, we don’t use our brains, we go headlong into it. On the contrary they will ask thousands of questions to me but to these people who have taken thousands of pounds and have finished them off they don’t ask any question. They just go headlong into it, ruin their lives, get into epilepsies and all kinds of diseases, then they come to me and I find that they are in a very bad shape. But doesn’t matter, whatever has happened has happened. Nobody should feel guilty about it. That’s one condition of Sahaja Yoga is that we should not feel guilty. We have to be in the present.

Forget the past. We are not to think about the past. And at this present moment this should happen to all of us.

Now the subject matter is so great and the knowledge is like an ocean, I cannot in this short time tell you all about it, I would say there must be at least two thousand lectures in English language which I have given all over the places, and I would request you first of all to get the light within you.

Like this room when it is not lighted and if I tell you about this room it will be a headache, and if I tell you about the electricity, the history of the electricity, the connections of electricity, the sources of electricity, you’ll be fed up. First of all, let us have the light. Once we have the fight it’s much easier to understand, and you’ll have much patience. So I would request you first to have the light We can try it, I cannot guarantee, I must say, I cannot guarantee to everyone-is something that works out but may not work out also. As far as possible, we should try and let us see what happens to us and if it works out that would be really a very great pleasure for me.

May God bless you all.

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